I Signed Up To Die

I Signed Up To Die


Revelation 2:8-11 ESV  “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life.  (9)  “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.  (10)  Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.  (11)  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’

  • Now the church in Smyrna has a lot of
  • This morning I want to start with our sermon title:
  • I Signed up to Die!
    • Someone say it “I signed up to die!”. Come on church, say it with me! “I signed up to die”.
      • If you walk away with just one attitude change today, let it be this: I signed up to die!
      • You can act however you want to me, you can be however you want to me, you can do whatever you want to me… Doesn’t matter!
        • I SIGNED UP TO DIE.
  • What are you talking about pastor?
    • Well I am talking about the church in Smyrna, but I am also talking about our own lives.
      • You see the church in Smyrna had a problem, they were under some heavy persecution.
      • Let me set the scene for you…
      • Smyrna was a church that was overwhelmed with the cult of Caesar… they were really two prominent religions in Smyrna, Judaism, and Caesar worship.
      • And the two got along ok, because the Jews would give offerings to Caesar as their ruler, though they denied him as a deity, and as such, the Romans allowed the Jews to worship their own God.
        • Now up until the time of Nero, this arrangement worked out ok for the Christians, because the Christians were seen as an extension of Judaism, which in truth we are, we are a continuation of Judaism.
        • But when Nero became Caesar he began to viciously persecute and kill Christians.
        • There are stories of Nero throwing parties and tying live Christians to polls, covering them in oil, then lighting them on fire as torches for his parties.
        • The man was sick, and he HATED Christians.
      • Well, the Jews used this persecution as a way to separate themselves from the Christians. And slowly but surely, the world started to recognize Christians as their own thing.
    • So in Smyrna, the Jews figured out there was only room for two religions, the cult of Caesar, and Judaism, so, the would rat out all the Christian churches to the Roman authorities…
    • And the Romans would demand that the Christians would worship Caesar, and if they didn’t they would be arrested, tortured, and sometimes even killed.
  • So Christ writes this letter to the Church in Smyrna saying “Listen! I know what Death is like, I died and came back to life! Don’t be afraid of those fake Jews, they think they worship God but they don’t! You do! So let them arrest you, persevere, you got this! After all, you signed up to die!”
  • Someone say “I signed up to die!”
  • That brings me to our first point this morning:

Point One – Be Faithful Unto Death

Revelation 2:9-10a ESV  “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.  (10)  Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death…

  • Point One this morning is simple – Be faithful unto death.
    • I want to read a bit of this poem called “I signed up to die”  by a modern day poet named Travis Tyler. It’s so powerful, have a listen:

They pulled that man out of the shed, now he walkin’ down the road
The Beating getting more intense every other step he goes
They whipped him, punched him, kicked him, slapped him, ripped that boy out of his clothes
Couple punches to the face, the second one broke his nose

They’re laughin’ at him, their spittin’ at him
They’re kickin’ at him, a dog’s barkin’ at him
He thinkin’ to himself, how could this happen?
He blacks out for a minute, they throw water at him

A week ago he was sittin’ up playin’ with his kids
Wife and family all around the birthday party passing gifts
Last thing that he remembers: packing for a mission trip

Now it’s about to go down
That’s what he was thinkin’ as he sit there knelt to the ground
His killer walked up on him and looked him in the eye
He said “aren’t you gonna beg? ” the man said “NO…”
“I signed up to die”

Death doesn’t have a hold on me
So death doesn’t put any fear in me
I don’t think that you hearing me
I signed up to die

When I lay down on that bed
I’m gonna open up my eyes
And my Lord’s gonna be there
Because I signed up to die

    • The phrase pumps me up because I think about all the faithful saints who have given their lives to Jesus, and how powerful it must have been in that moment, to die professing Christ as savior and Lord, and to wake up having Christ profess you as His own good and faithful servant!
    • Think about that now, that phrase, that power, I signed up to die… now think about this letter Christ is writing to Smyrna, to a church who is literally facing death.

Revelation 2:10a ESV  Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death…

  • We signed up to die, church, I hope this is not new information for you, they have been killing saints since the time of literally Cain and Abel.
  • And Jesus Himself told us about it…

Matthew 10:21-22 ESV  Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death,  (22)  and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

Matthew 24:9 ESV  “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake.

John 16:2 ESV  They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

  • We know people will try to kill Christians because of our love for Christ… but the question is, are we going to fear them?

Matthew 10:28 ESV  And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

  • I SIGNED UP TO DIE! I am not afraid of anyone who can only kill my body, because my soul will live on!
    • The only one I fear is God, because I know He is who He said He is, I know He can and has every right to destroy me and send my soul to hell.
    • But I also know that He loves me and I love Him, therefore I obey Him and not man!
      • Death doesn’t have a hold on me
        So death doesn’t put any fear in me
        I don’t think that you hearing me
        I signed up to die!
  • Now if that is true in your life, if you can get that into the core of your being… then what else can man do to you?
    • Threaten to fire you because of your faith?
      • So what?! I SIGNED UP TO DIE!
    • Threaten to disown you because of your unfaltering love of Christ?
      • Did you not hear me?! I SIGNED UP TO DIE!
    • Ban you from YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook…
      • Ban me all you want! I SIGNED UP TO DIE!
    • You can mock me, spit on me, torture me, disown me… BUT I WILL NEVER DISOWN MY JESUS. I SIGNED UP TO DIE!
  • What attacks do you face in your life because you gave your life to Christ?
    • Think about it for a moment… what suffering must you endure, if any?
    • Now, how does that suffering compare to this reality: YOU SIGNED UP TO DIE!
  • Now that brings us to point two, and what a beautiful point it is… God will work it all out for good!

Point Two – God Will Work It All Out For Good

  • God will work it out for good… and specifically, he will work it out for OUR good… let’s read all of verse 10 now…

Revelation 2:10 ESV  Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.

  • Again, point two is this: God Will Work it All Out For Good.

January 2, 1956, was the day that 29-year-old Jim Elliot had waited for most of his life. He jumped out of bed, dressed as quickly as he could, and got ready for the short flight over the thick Ecuador jungle. Almost three years of jungle ministry and many hours of planning and praying had led Jim to this day. Within hours, he and four other missionaries would be setting up camp in the territory of a dangerous and uncivilized Indian tribe known then as the Aucas (Ow-cuz), known now as the Waodani (Wah-o-dah-nee). The Aucas had killed all outsiders ever caught in their area. Even though it was dangerous, Jim Elliot had no doubt God wanted him to tell the Aucas about Jesus.

The missionaries were flown in one-by-one and dropped off on the Auca beach. Nate Saint then flew over the Auca village and called for the Aucas to come to the beach. After four days, an Auca man and two women appeared. It was not easy for them to understand each other since the missionaries only knew a few Auca phrases. They shared a meal with them, and Nate took the man up for a flight in the plane. The missionaries tried to show sincere friendship and asked them to bring others next time.

For the next two days, the missionaries waited for other Aucas to return. Finally, on day six, two Auca women walked out of the jungle. Jim and Pete excitedly jumped in the river and waded over to them. As they got closer, these women did not appear friendly. Jim and Pete almost immediately heard a terrifying cry behind them. As they turned they saw a group of Auca warriors with their spears raised, ready to throw. Jim Elliot reached for the gun in his pocket. He had to decide instantly if he should use it. But he knew he couldn’t. Each of the missionaries had promised they would not kill an Auca who did not know Jesus to save himself from being killed. Within seconds, the Auca warriors threw their spears, killing all the missionaries: Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming and Jim Elliot.

But don’t think Operation Auca ended there because it didn’t. Because God turned even their death for good. Not all of the Auca were hostile, and the killing of the missionaries had proven divisive amongst the Aucas. Many wanted to form a relationship and had decided to not kill any more missionaries should more come. And come they did, in less than two years Jim’s wife, Elisabeth Elliot, there daughter Valerie, and Rachel Saint (Nate’s sister) were able to not just visit, but move to the Auca village. Many Aucas became Christians. They are now a friendly tribe. Missionaries, including Nate Saint’s son and his family, still live among the Aucas today.

Jim Elliot is remembered by this famous quote attributed to him “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”

  • Sometimes I imagine myself talking to Satan and I am like: You are SO Dumb! You keep killing us and things just keep getting better for us!
    • I mean, YOU KILLED JESUS! How did that turn out, it turned out GREAT for me, and not so great for you!
  • Church! If the enemy want’s to kill us, then let him kill us! Because God will use it for his glory!
  • And it’s true church, not just in death, but in all things…

Romans 8:28 ESV  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

  • Someone say “All”!
  • So you are fired because of your faith?
    • So what?! God is going to work it out for good.
  • You were disowned by your friends or family?
    • Did you not hear me?! God is going to work it out for good.
  • You were banned from YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook…
  • Fine, BAN AWAY! God is going to work it out for good.
  • The media canceled you and now you can’t go anywhere or do anything without people judging you because of Christ?!
    • I got good news, YOU DON’T SERVE THE MEDIA, OR ANYONE ELSE, YOU SERVE CHRIST! AND God is going to work it out for good!
  • I DON’T THINK YOU ARE HEARING ME! God is going to work it out for good!!!
    • FINE! I signed up to die! Let them kill me, it ALLWAYS works out for the God of the gospel!
  • Listen! Here is the take away:
    • If you live all in for Christ, then you will have nothing but GOOD in your life.
      • Sure there will be persecution, and pain, and suffering… but it will all result in GOOD. And when they finally kill you or you die of old age, or Jesus comes back… You will have a crown of glory given to you… because you persevered!
    • The takeaway today, however, is not this: If you are not living for Christ, and you are living a life full of sin… that sin will produce a lot of awful things and hardships, and life may suck because you chose sin over Jesus!
      • The answer in that situation is not to ignore it and pretend like God will work it out for good, because He may not. That promise is only for those who love God and obey Him, because scripture teaches that those who love God obey God.
      • No the answer is to repent, turn back to God, and ask forgiveness of those sins and never do them again.
    • But for those who are truly being persecuted… and I KNOW IT HAPPENS TODAY! We were persecuted at the hospital in Des Moines for heavens sake…
      • If you are feeling the pain of persecution, remember this: You signed up to die… so what can the world do to you?
      • And remember also, it is all going to work out for good.


Conclusion here

  • Pray for those who feel persecuted
  • Gospel Call


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