Genesis 6:11-22 NKJV The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (12) So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. (13) And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (14) Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. (15) And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. (16) You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and set the door of the ark in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third decks. (17) And behold, I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die. (18) But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark—you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. (19) And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. (20) Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. (21) And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them.” (22) Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did.
- So, we have finally made it to the events of the global flood and Noah.
- And I want to make something very clear as we get into this…
- This is not a myth… this is not a legend… this is not some Cosmic metaphor… these are real events, enacted by a real God, who was REALY ANGRY, and real people.
- In his book “Dinosaurs by Design, Dr. Duane Gish records 270 accounts from different cultures around the world of a Global flood.
- Asyria and Babylon, Persia, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Egypt, Italy, Lithuania, Russia, China, and India all have global flood stories that share many similarities to the accounts in Genesis.
- And some might say “Well, yes, as religion spread across Europe it would make sense for legends to spread with it.. But it’s not just Europe.
- The Cree, the Cherokee, the Papagoa, the Aztecs, all indigenous people of North and Central America… Peru, the Leward Islands, the Fiji Islands, and Native Hawaiian culture all have global flood stories STRIKINGLY similar to the events recorded in Gensis… Yet they did not have contact with Europeans…
- Now either this is a GREAT coincidence… or, just maybe, there really was a global flood.
- And maybe all people really do descend from Noah, and so as generations passed, and people multiplied and filled the earth, they brought with them the stories of their ancestors being the only survivors of a global flood.
- These stories are so similar that many of them even include detailed descriptions of an Ark filled with animals to repopulate the earth.
- And some might say “Well, yes, as religion spread across Europe it would make sense for legends to spread with it.. But it’s not just Europe.
- Asyria and Babylon, Persia, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Egypt, Italy, Lithuania, Russia, China, and India all have global flood stories that share many similarities to the accounts in Genesis.
- In his book “Dinosaurs by Design, Dr. Duane Gish records 270 accounts from different cultures around the world of a Global flood.
- Church, listen, nothing about the way that Genesis is written suggests that the things within are anything other than history.
- Genesis is a history book, with incredibly detailed genealogies and timelines.
- Books of prophecy and poetry do not include genealogies like this.
- Parables and metaphors do not include genealogies.
- These are real events that happened to real people.
- God was rightfully angry, He flooded the earth, and He justly killed EVERYONE except for one family, and some pairs of animals from ever kind of creature.
- And it is important to know that these events really happened, because events very similar to them will happen again.
- Not with water, but with fire… God will do as He did in the days of Noah… Not a myth, not a tale, real destruction, real wrath, real cleansing of a wicked world.
- Genesis is a history book, with incredibly detailed genealogies and timelines.
Matthew 24:37-39 NKJV But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (38) For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, (39) and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

- The Days of Noah… that is what we are talking about this morning…
- What were things like in the days of Noah, and are things like that today? Let’s pray.
- Now, I trust that most, if not all of us, know the general details of Noah’s Ark and the global flood.
- And we will get more into these details in a couple weeks.
- But the gist of it is this: Mankind became so wicked that God was sorry that He ever created them… so God decides to destroy all of mankind and start over again, but there was one family, Noah’s family, who were not wicked… they found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and God saved their family from the global flood by instructing Noah to build a giant ark.
- In these ancient days there was no sailing or other forms of boating, so this giant boat would likely be the first boat ever built.
- We also have reason to believe that it had not rained before this moment, we read earlier in Genesis “In those days it did not rain, but dew watered the plants of the field”. We don’t know if that is still true at the time on Noah, but a lot of people believe that it had never rained, which would have made the idea of a flood very foreign to mankind.
- “Like yeah, sure Noah, water is just gonna magically appear in the sky and start falling on us? Come on bro, water is on the ground, not in the sky… you are out of your mind…”
- Either way, no one wanted to repent, no one helped Noah and his family… so when the flood waters rose, Noah, His family, and a BUNCH of animals entered the Ark and were saved.
- We will talk more about this next week, and if you are really interested in it, go to the Creation Museum and visit the life sized ark!
- “Like yeah, sure Noah, water is just gonna magically appear in the sky and start falling on us? Come on bro, water is on the ground, not in the sky… you are out of your mind…”
- But today I want to focus on what life was like in the days of Noah… what wickedness was like in the days of Noah… because Jesus said “Before I come, it will be like in the days of Noah”.
- Now there are two verses that I want to focus on this morning, because these two verses show us what life was like in the days of Noah:
Genesis 6:11-12 NKJV The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (12) So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.
- From these verses we learn that the people of earth were “Corrupt” and that the earth was filled with violence.
- So in the days when Jesus comes back in wrath and in glory, the earth will be full of corrupt men and violence.
- Let’s start by talking about the Corruption of Man in the Days of Noah and in our Day today… next week we will talk about the violence.
- So in the days when Jesus comes back in wrath and in glory, the earth will be full of corrupt men and violence.
The Corruption of Man in the Days of Noah and in Our Day
Genesis 6:11-12 NKJV The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (12) So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.
- Let’s start by talking about the corruption.
- And I know, it is politics season, so you might be thinking of “Corruption” like a corrupt politics who takes bribes, but that is not what this word means in this context.
- This is the word corruption like an old car engine that is decayed, and corroded, and does not work any more, it has become corrupted.
- It used to be a well oiled machine, it used to run exactly as it was designed…
- But it was abused, it neglected, it was not used the way it’s creator intended it to be used… so after years of abuse and neglect, the engine has become corrupted.
- Or like a computer program infected with a virus.
- The program worked FLAWLESSLY, until some foreign, malicious code, entered in and started changing things… now that program is corrupted and does not work correctly, or worse, it is now used to harm your computer and steal your information.
- This is the word corruption like an old car engine that is decayed, and corroded, and does not work any more, it has become corrupted.
- Corruption in the sense here in Genesis is that God designed man to behave a certain way, to act a certain way, to live a certain way…
- But sin entered into the heart of man and started corrupting it.
- God said “Be fruitful and multiply” and man said “Yeah, we will be fruitful and multiply… with demons!”
- God said “Fill the earth and take dominion” and man said “Yeah we will fill the earth… with violence… we will take dominion, through murder” .
- God says “I Am that I Am, there is no other God before me, bow down and worship.
- And man says “Yeah, we will bow down and worship… but not You, You are too mean and strict and you don’t like our sin, so we will make false God’s to bow down and worship, because they don’t ‘judge’ us like you do YHWH.
- Man was corrupted, they turned against the things they were designed to do and did things that were strange, that were wicked, that were evil.
- They turned against their natural desires for unnatural desires.
- What God called good, they called evil.
- What God called evil, they called good.
- And I know, it is politics season, so you might be thinking of “Corruption” like a corrupt politics who takes bribes, but that is not what this word means in this context.
- And the end result was that God was SICK of the corruption and was like “I have to cut this rust off… I have to cut this disease off, or it will spread to the rest of My creation”.
- So, how was man corrupt in the days of Noah… well what little we know about them is that man was swamped in sexual sin, disgusting, unnatural sexual sin… and that they did not obey God, walk with God, talk with God, or serve Him in any way.
- Only one guy did that, Noah… and maybe his children… everyone else turned against God’s natural order of things, and they turned against God…
- Now the question must be asked: Is life like that today?
- Only one guy did that, Noah… and maybe his children… everyone else turned against God’s natural order of things, and they turned against God…
- So, how was man corrupt in the days of Noah… well what little we know about them is that man was swamped in sexual sin, disgusting, unnatural sexual sin… and that they did not obey God, walk with God, talk with God, or serve Him in any way.
- But before I answer that question, let me take a quick detour and talk about the Maginot (Magi-no) Line…
- Y’all ever heard of the Maginot line?
- Well, as WW2 was starting, France saw that it’s Neighbor Germany was up to no good… so they built a massive line of defenses along it’s border, spanning 470 miles.
- These defenses had Anti-aircraft, Anti-Tank, and anti-personal fortifications…
- They thought “We need to cover our entire border so that the Germans have no place to get into France…
- So the spread out all their forces, they spread out all their finances, they spread out all their defenses… so that every bit of their border was covered…
- Seems like a good plan right?
- Well if you have ever seen the movie Dunkirk you know that this plan failed MISSERABLY.
- Why? Because the Germans did not need to take every square inch of the French border, they just needed a little bit… so they found the weak point in the line, and they focused all of their troops their and easily broke through, defeating the allies and causing them to be surrounded on Dunkirk beach.
- It was an embarrassing and expensive failure, and what we learned (and should have known) is that when defending a border you should not spread your forces out thin and evenly, instead you should put the vast majority of your forces right at the point that the enemy is attacking.
- If the enemy forces are here, THAN YOUR FORCES SHOULD BE THERE!
- Seems simple, right? Where the enemy attacks, that is where you should defend…
- AND YET… AND YET, I can’t tell you how many times I have been attacked as a pastor for focusing our defenses where the enemy is attacking.
- I am told “Well pastor, you speak too much about this topic, the Bible doesn’t talk that much about it”
- “Well pastor this is just a sin like anything else…”
- Yes, but this is the sin that the enemy is focusing on… So that is the sin I am going to focus on overcoming.
- Where the enemy is focused, that is where we need to be focused… because we are called to, with the help of Jesus, overcome the plans of the enemy!
- I am told “Well pastor, you speak too much about this topic, the Bible doesn’t talk that much about it”
- AND YET… AND YET, I can’t tell you how many times I have been attacked as a pastor for focusing our defenses where the enemy is attacking.
- Well, as WW2 was starting, France saw that it’s Neighbor Germany was up to no good… so they built a massive line of defenses along it’s border, spanning 470 miles.
- Y’all ever heard of the Maginot line?
Where is the enemy focused today?
- The answer may offend you, but let me ask you before we even get to the rest of this sermon. What has influenced you to take offense to this answer?
- Was it the influence of scripture, and prayer, and study, and worship that leads you to offended by this answer?
- SO again I ask, where is the enemy focused on today?
- Where he is not focused on getting women to sleep with demons and have giant demon spawn babies…
- So a sermon about “Don’t sleep with demons and have giants…” well that is not a very good sermon is it?
- Because those demons are locked up in chains, as we learned last week, as we know frum the book of Jude, verses 6 and 7.
- So no! We are not going to focus on that… because that is not where the enemy is focused…
- So a sermon about “Don’t sleep with demons and have giants…” well that is not a very good sermon is it?
- But like in the days of Noah, the enemy IS focused on sexual sin.
- The enemy is focused on sexualizing our children and convincing them they are LGBTQ whatever… He is corrupting mankind just like he did back then, but instead of “Hey girls go have sex with demons” it is “Hey girls, go have sex with each other… and hey boys go have sex with each other… and ‘gender is just a social construct, God made a mistake when He made you, you are supposed to be a different Gender”.
- The first command from God to man: Be fruitful and multiply…
- It is really hard for a woman and a demon to be fruitful and multiply, when they try the get giant demon spawn known as Nephilim… and we know that doesn’t happen today… instead we get LGBTQ nonsense.
- Because it is really hard for two women to be fruitful and multiply together
- And it is really hard for two men to be fruitful and multiply together.
- And Satan is so clever that you don’t have to be gay to be sexually corrupt… boys can go have sex with girls, and they can still not be fruitful and multiply… that’s why we have abortion clinics and plan b pills… Because Satan want’s us to be corrupted.
- God’s plan for us: One man marries one woman, and they have lots of beautiful children who are raised by a father and mother.
- Satan corrupts this plan: Sleep with whoever you want, if you can’t get pregnant that is best, but if you do get pregnant, kill your babies.
- The enemy is focused on sexualizing our children and convincing them they are LGBTQ whatever… He is corrupting mankind just like he did back then, but instead of “Hey girls go have sex with demons” it is “Hey girls, go have sex with each other… and hey boys go have sex with each other… and ‘gender is just a social construct, God made a mistake when He made you, you are supposed to be a different Gender”.
- Now if your worldview suggests that woman should sleep with woman and men should sleep with men and straight people should kill their babies… well, let’s just consider Noah’s Ark through that world view.
- What if instead of Noah and his wife, it was Noah and his husband who boarded the ark?
- And Noah’s sons and their Husbands?
- If that was the presiding worldview of Noah and his family then you would not be alive to have an opinion about this sermon!
- Humanity would have ended with Noah and his Husband because they COULD NOT be fruitful and multiply.
- And Noah’s sons and their Husbands?
- What if instead of Noah and his wife, it was Noah and his husband who boarded the ark?
- Where he is not focused on getting women to sleep with demons and have giant demon spawn babies…
- Or is something else influencing you? Movies, TV shows, podcasts, news rooms, politicians, the world?
- If find yourself getting offended through the remainder of this sermon, take a step back and say why? Is it the Jesus within me that is being offended, or is it something else in me being offended?
- Is it the Word of God being trampled upon that offends me, or is it a false worldview, a false perspective that has been fed to me by a fallen world that is being trampled upon?
Genesis 6:18-19 NKJV But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark—you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. (19) And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.
- And Noah brought pairs of animals on the Ark, what kind of animals? MALE AND FEMALE.
- Why did God specify that? Everyone in all of history would have KNOWN it was male and female… because those are the only kinds that can reproduce together.
- Maybe God specified it because He knew that in the future there would be people who try to act like Gender is not a thing…
- There would be politicians who don’t know how to define a woman and would respond to congressional hearings saying “I’m not a biologist”.
- It is Ludacris that God would have to specify Male and Female… but He did, in the Days of Noah God had to SPECIFY “Husband and Wife, Male and Female”!
- Why did God specify that? Everyone in all of history would have KNOWN it was male and female… because those are the only kinds that can reproduce together.
- Roman’s chapter one talks about it, and it is hard for me to read Romans Chapter one and not think about the state of human affairs in the Western World…
Romans 1:18-27 NKJV For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, (19) because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. (20) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, (21) because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (22) Professing to be wise, they became fools, (23) and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. (24) Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, (25) who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (26) For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. (27) Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
- LGBTQ is a corruption of God’s design for mankind.
- It is sexual corruption, no different than the woman sleeping with Demons in the days of Noah.
- But in the days of Noah it was widespread… how widespread is it today?
- Well according to a 2022 Gallop poll, 20% of Generation Z considers itself LGBTQ…
- That is one in 5 people born between 1997 and 2012 are living in sexual corruption.
- That is twice as many as in millennials… and it is FIVE TIMES AS MANY as in Generation X, 7 Times as many as baby boomers, and TWENTY EIGHT TIMES as many as people who are in the traditionalist generation.
- Twenty Eight times as many people considering themselves LGBTQ in just about 60 years of history… that is METIORIC rise in corruption.
- Are we in the days of Noah yet, maybe not… but we are getting there very quickly.
- So what does this have to do with you, Saints?
- Well you live as a Christian in the early days of Noah.
- You are a Noah… someone who walks with and obeys God.
- God has warned you that destruction is coming… and your job is to get people on the Ark…
- Except it is not an ark, it is a different piece of wood… Your job is to get people to the cross.
- Well you live as a Christian in the early days of Noah.
- And I want to encourage you this morning… it is OK to stand against sexual sin.
- The world will call you a bigot, they will call you a homophobe, they will say you are full of hate…
- Noah was not being hateful when we was begging people to turn from their sins, turn to God, and come into the Ark.
- I don’t hate homosexuals, I don’t hate transgenders… I love them… I love them PASIONATLY. I want them to be saved… I want them to live in eternity, in glory.
- I want them to be full of God’s Spirit… I want them to have joy, and peace, and patience, and kindness, and goodness, and faithfulness, and gentleness, and self control.
- The world will call you a bigot, they will call you a homophobe, they will say you are full of hate…
- You can look up the numbers, the statistics don’t lie… LTBQ people are far more likely to suffer from depression than straight people…
- There is an epidemic of suicide amongst the LGBTQ population.
- You are four times more likely to commit suicide if you are LGBTQ then if you are straight.
- According to the Trevor Project’s 2023 US National Survey on the Mental Health, they found that nearly half of LGBTQ people have seriously considered suicide in the last year.
- Now the Trevor project and other anti-God organizations will tell you that this suicide and depression epidemic is because the LGBTQ population is persecuted and hated by bigots like me…
- First I don’t agree that they are persecuted, I would say there has never been a better time in history to be LGBTQ…
- They have parades, and pride months, and clubs at school.
- Disney joins with Klenex to make Gay Micky Mouse tissue paper…
- Imagine being so persecuted and hated that you get your own Mickey Mouse Kleenex… doesn’t seem like they are that hated.
- There is federal funds going to support the LGBTQ, Donald Trump, the current Face of Republican politics waves a Rainbow Flag and says “I am the most pro-LGBTQ Candidate ever”.
- And that is supposed to be the party that hates them.
- So I reject the notion that they are even that persecuted…
- But even if they were, look at history.
- Black people in America have got to be the historically most persecuted people in the US.
- They were enslaved, and when they were freed they faced lynch mobs, segregation, police brutality and Jim Crow laws… amongst other things…
- For many years Black Americans were horribly persecuted in America… and yet they have some of the lowest suicide rates… FAR lower than wealthy white Americans.
- Christians where HORRIFICALLY persecuted in ancient Rome… and yet they were not killing themselves.
- In fact, what we see historically, is that the more persecuted a people group is, the LESS likely they are to kill themselves.
- But even if they were, look at history.
- There is an epidemic of suicide amongst the LGBTQ population.
- Persecution is not causing depression in the LGBTQ people of America…
- No, I believe it is because they do not know love… because they are far from love… because GOD is LOVE and they have rebelled against LOVE, and as Romans 1 says, LOVE has turned them over to the lusts of their own heart.
- But God is not willing for any to perish… but for ALL to come to repentance.
- I am not willing for these, my fellow humans, to perish… so I desire them to come to repentance.
- IT IS OK CHURCH, to not be OK with the LGBTQ Agenda.
- In fact, I would say it is one of the most loving things you can do… to urge people to turn from their sins and get on the ARK.
- Now LGBTQ is not the only corruption of course… it is just where the enemy is focusing it’s attack.
- Alcoholism, Pornography, Fornication, Adultery, Divorce, Drug abuse, Covetousness, Strife, Racism, Greed… these are all corruptions… and we should not be ok with any of them…
- But I love the racist enough that I want them to repent and get on the Ark…
- I love the alcoholic enough that I want them to repent and get to the Cross…
- I love the drug addict enough to want to see them on the streets of gold.
- Alcoholism, Pornography, Fornication, Adultery, Divorce, Drug abuse, Covetousness, Strife, Racism, Greed… these are all corruptions… and we should not be ok with any of them…
- Church, it is ok to be political… to hold Biblical political opinions, and to encourage politicians to legislate with a Biblical perspective…
- Don’t let the devil or the world tell you that you can’t mix politics and religion…
- The way I raise my kids is based on my faith.
- The way I spend my money is based on my faith.
- EVEN THE WAY I EAT PIZZA IS BASED ON MY FAITH… I don’t eat without praying.
- And you are going to tell me “Politics doesn’t belong in the pulpit”
- Y’all the Bible is a political book… it is full of Kings and rulers, some who honor God, and others who don’t.
- It is full of heroes who stand against wicked rulers.
- Go read the book of Esther and tell me politics doesn’t belong in the pulpit!
- Don’t let the devil or the world tell you that you can’t mix politics and religion…
- Church it is ok to not be OK with sin.
- It is OK to plead with the sinner to come to repentance.
- “But pastor they might hate me”.
- So what? You would rather they like you and burn in hell, then warn them and plead with them that they might be saved?
- Need I remind you that they hated Jesus, who was love in the flesh, they hated Him enough that they killed Him.
- They don’t hate you because you love them and want them to be saved… they hate you because they hated Jesus first.
- “But pastor they might hate me”.
- It is OK to plead with the sinner to come to repentance.
John 15:18-19 NKJV “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. (19) If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
- Let’s conclude this sermon by answering the question: “So now what?”
Conclusion – So now what?
Genesis 6:12-13 NKJV So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. (13) And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
- So now what… what do we do with this information?
- I have seen far too many churches say things like “We are grappling with how to handle transgenderism”.
- To many pastors saying “This is new territory, this is a grey area, we are trying to figure it out as we go…”
- I have seen far too many churches say things like “We are grappling with how to handle transgenderism”.
- No church, this is not new territory… there is nothing new under the sun… cultures have dealt with sexual sin very similar to what America is dealing with since the beginning of time… and most cultures don’t survive sexual revolutions.
- And no, church, this is not something to grapple with… there is no grey area… there is nothing to figure out.
- This is sin.
- It is sin that will lead to death, as all sin does… if it is not repented from.
- And no, church, this is not something to grapple with… there is no grey area… there is nothing to figure out.
- The ONLY struggle is, the only difficult questions is “How do we effectively warn people, in love, to repent from their sin and get on the Ark before it is to late”.
- And I can tell you that the answer is NOT to affirm their identity.
- It is not to use their pronouns that they want to force you to use.
- It is not to attend their demonic ceremonies that they call “weddings”… no, a wedding is a union blessed by God… I will not attend a false wedding any more than I would attend a worship service at a Muslim Mosque or Buddhist Temple.
- No! When I was saved it was not because someone affirmed my sin…
- I was a porn addicted, lying, thieving, pervert.
- And I did not come to Jesus because someone said “Oh that is ok, that’s natural, that is just who you are”.
- No! Deep down inside I new it was wrong.
- I came to Jesus because the Holy Spirit drew me to Him as Pastor Matt preached against sin and taught that there was a way to be free from sin.
- And I did not know it… but I desperately wanted to be free from sin.
- I cam to Christ because there was people praying for me, that I would come to repentance.
- Not people who were OK with my sin, to the contrary, they desperately wanted me to be free from sin, so they prayed and interceded on my behalf that I would get to the cross, that I would get on the Ark before the doors closed.
- I came to Jesus because people spoke the truth in love to me, they were gentle as doves, and wise as serpents.
- I was a porn addicted, lying, thieving, pervert.
- And I can tell you that the answer is NOT to affirm their identity.
- And this is how we need to be towards all sinners.
- Not jerks with signs that say “God hates you”.
- But also not blind Shepherds who say things like “Well we are struggling with whether or not to use peoples preferred pronouns… we think it might more loving to use their pronouns”… NOT, that is the blind leading the blind.
- Instead, we like Jesus, draw a line in the sand, we say “let he without sin cast the first stone”…
- We have dinner with the tax collectors.
- We give the prostitute a scarlet thread to hand out her window and we save her from the coming destruction.
- And then we say “go and sin no more… go and sin no more… take up your mat, walk, and sin no more…”
- And let me just say this, as honestly and as heartfelt as I can… If you struggle with sin, any kind of sin… but especially sexually sin… I want you to know, I love you.
- I love you, and I have no stones to throw.
- I love you, and you are welcome here. You are welcome to come, and learn about God, and worship Him, and draw near to Him.
- I love you, I don’t love you sin, but I love you.
- And I want you to know, like your already know deep down inside, that there is freedom.
- You don’t have to be who the world has told you you have to be.
- You don’t have to be who you have been before. There is freedom in Christ, there is love in Christ, there is healing in Christ.
- If you ever need to talk to anyone, who will tell you the truth in love, I am here for you, we are all here for you. We love you.