Genesis 6:1-10 NKJV Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, (2) that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. (3) And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (4) There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (5) Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (6) And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. (7) So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” (8) But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (9) This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. (10) And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
- Welcome to Christian Life Church, if you are new here I just wanted to let you know that we preach through Scripture here.
- What that means is that God puts a book of the Bible on my heart and then we preach through that book from the beginning to the end.
- We have preached through 1 Corinthians, Luke, Revelation, James, and now we are in Genises. In fact, this is our 21st sermon on the book of Genesis.
- What is awesome about this style of preaching is that it forces me to preach on things that I would probably never CHOSE to preach.
- To preach on things that rarely ever get preached on by anyone.
- This morning is one of those sermons.
- This morning we are going to talk about some parts of human history that may sound a bit strange.
- This morning’s scripture is a section of Scripture that I have never heard a sermon about.
- There are a lot of books, commentary, and articles written about this section of scripture… but not a lot of sermons.
- I think many pastors avoid because talking about these verses might make seem… well… odd.
- In fact, I told two pastor friends I was preachin on this sermon and one said “OH NO! I stay FAR away from that” and the other said “Really? You really going to get application out of that”
- What we are going to talk about this morning might make me seem a bit… crazy… like “You can’t really believe that, right?!”
- But the truth is, I can believe it… because I believe everything the Bible says, I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God.
- In fact I believe a LOT of Crazy things… I believe that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh.
- I believe that God formed man from the dust and breathed life into him.
- I believe that a talking serpent, possessed by Satan, tempted mankind into sin.
- I believe that God flooded the whole earth, only saving a single human family and a bunch of pairs of animals to repopulate the earth,
- I believe that thousands of years later God freed His enslaved people by sending plagues on Egypt… that He literally split the red sea to save His people.
- I believe that Moses struck a rock and water came out of it.
- That God feed His people with Mana from heaven.
- I believe that Elijah was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind of fire.
- I believe that Jesus walked on water, and calmed the storms, and healed the sick, and raised people from the dead.
- I believe that Peter was so full of the Holy Spirit that even his shadow would heal people.
- I believe that God speaks to us, and that we should listen, and that we can speak to Him and He will listen.
- But the CRAZIEST thing of all that I believe is that God loved a wretched sinner like me enough to send His Son to die for me… and then after dying a gruesome death and being buried, three days later He rose from the dead!
- To the world these things sound crazy… until you are born again, and you start to experience new life, and you start to see miracles, and you start to hear from God… all of these things stop sounding so crazy.
- So this morning’s sermon we are going to talk about HISTORICAL events that have a HUGE impact on mankind, our history, and our future.
- AND LISTEN: This is your fair warning… we are going to be talking about ADULT things this morning, if you have not had the birds and the bees talk with your kids, this sermon is not for them… you have been warned…
- Ok, so let’s talk about these historical events from before the flood…

- We’ve Got BIG Problems…
- Big… problems… so big that some might call these problems GIGANTIC…
- Let’s pray.
- Now, let’s get into it… what I am going to do this morning is preach a little Old School, we did this a few time in Revelation… it used to be that preachers would break there sermons up into two parts, teaching and application… and because much of this sermon is teaching, I though this would be fitting… So the teaching point this morning: Satan is Working Against God’s plan.
Teaching – Satan Is Working Against God’s Plan
Genesis 6:1-4 NKJV Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, (2) that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. (3) And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (4) There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
- Now some of y’all still don’t know what seems crazy about these verses…
- If you just read over them quickly you might miss what is going on…
- What exactly seems crazy about these verses, what exactly are we talking about this morning?
- That is what this Scripture is about… demons sleeping with women, making giants, or Nephilim as some translations call them.
- Let’s read verses one and two again…
Genesis 6:1-2 NKJV Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, (2) that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
- Ok, so humanity was spreading, they were being fruitful and multiplying as they were commanded…
- People were having kids, and of course some of those kids were daughters… and some of those daughters were very beautiful…
- Nothing strange here…
- But then we get this line “The sons of God saw the daughters of men… and took wives for themselves.
Who exactly are the sons of God?
Sons of God = Children of Seth?
Daughters of Man = Children of Cain?
- Now, some say that these “Sons of God” are children from Seth and that the “Daughters of Men” are daughters born from Cain’s line.
- They argue that God was angry because of un-equally yoked marriages… that Godly men were marrying ungodly women…
- And while it is certainly true that God does not want you to marry an unbeliever, it CAN NOT be the case here in these verses… and here is why:
“Sons of God” CANNOT be “Line of Seth
- There were no Godly men other than Noah (and maybe his sons)
- Seth’s line ended after the flood, but “Sons of God” still had children “after that” (Gen 6:4; 6:18)
- Only those born of God are called “Sons of God”. Adam, Jesus, and the Born Again.
- The Term “Sons of God” is used 5 times in the OT, always referring to angels.
- There were no Godly men other than Noah in this time… literally everyone except for Noah, His wife, and his three son’s and their wives… everyone other than that was destroyed by the flood… so who are these godly men who are so godly they are called “The sons of God” supposed to be. Because we know God cares about your heart and your soul not about your genetics.
- And further, Genesis 6:4 says the sons of God had children with the daughters of man AFTER THAT meaning, after the flood, which we see confirmed in later chapters of Genesis. How can the daughters of man be the line of Cain when we know for SURE that the line of Cain was wiped out?
- Now to be called a Son of God you need to be a directly related to God. In the New Testament, Adam is called a son of God, Jesus is called THE Son of God, and the born again are called sons and daughters of God… All with direct relations to God.
- Jesus WAS God… that’s a direct relation.
- Adam was hand crafted by God, everyone else is a son of Adam.
- And we are BORN AGAIN into God’s family and adopted into His family.
- No one else is called a son of God.
- Finally, in the Old Testament, this phrase “The Son of God” is only used five times, and it ALWAYS means “angel”.
- The best example of this is in Job when God is in heaven and Satan comes with “The sons of God” in heaven to present themselves to God.
- Those could not have been the sons of Seth because Christ had yet to die for them, if they did make heaven it was not until after the death and resurrection of Christ.
- So, we know these “Sons of God” must be angels…
- But not just any angels… FALLEN ANGELS.
- When we as Christians use the word “Demon” we mean “Fallen Angel”.
- And the short of it is this: Satan rebelled against God and started a war, Satan convinced a third of the angels to rebel with him and war against God…
- Satan’s war failed and Satan and his rebellious angels were cast out and cast down to earth.
- We now call these fallen angels “Demons”.
- You can read more about this in Revelation 12, and you will also note this is why Matthew 25:41 says this:
- Matthew 25:41 NKJV “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
- Now, if anyone ever asks you “why did God create demons” you can answer, “He didn’t, he created angels with free will and some chose to rebel against Him, we call those rebellious angels “demons”.
- Ok, you guys following along so far, this is a lot of teaching… Back to Genesis 6…
- The sons of God mentioned her are fallen angels, they are demons… they were sent by their master Satan to have sex with human women…
- “But pastor, Jesus said that the angels in heaven do not marry and are not given to marriage”
- Correct! But we are not talking about angels in heaven, we are talking about angels on earth… and we know from the events of Sodom and Gomorrah that there are angels that are very sexually attractive… a whole town tried to rape them for goodness sake!
- But not only that but Jude tells us that some angles fell into sexual sin in Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding cities.
Jude 1:6-7 NKJV And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; (7) as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
- Those verses answer two objections: One from these verses we know that Angels can have sex with humans, and two… we can answer the question “Why are angels not having sex with humans and making giants now? Are NBA players parent’s really demons? What do we know about Shaq’s father?!”
- But we know the answer to this question from these verses and from Revelation…
- These sexy time demons were chained up, they will not be released until certain end time events take place… we learned all about that when we preached through Revelation… we learned that some Angels are currently imprisoned, and we now know from Genesis that at least some of those imprisoned angels are the ones from Genesis going around creating Giants.
- Now… what does this all have to do with this point… Satan is Working Against God’s Plan?
- Because, this sexual sin is all a scheme form the enemy to thwart God’s plan for mankind, and to thwart God’s plan for his destruction.
- Watch this, you ready?
- God told Satan that He would be crushed by who? The seed of woman…
- God’s plan, as Satan well knows, is for one of Eve’s offspring to rise up and crush him.
- So, Satan decides “If I can destroy the Gene Pool… if I can corrupt it with demon spawn… maybe I can make it so there will be no pure seed left from Eve… no one to crush my head”.
- And it was a good plan too! And it almost worked… except for this one stubborn family… Noah… Noah was blameless… Noah found grace.
- So the logic goes like this, I put had it put on a slide to help you guys follow along, ready… here is how Satan tried to, and failed to, derail God’s plan:
Satan’s Plan VS God’s Plan For Mankind
- God has a plan to defeat Satan, prosper man, and be eternally glorified.
- That plan is to crush the head of Satan through the “Seed of Woman”
- Satan want’s to destroy this plan.
- Satan tries to destroy the seed of woman by corrupting the gene pool with demon-spawn.
- If Satan is successful, there will be no pure seed to crush his head.
- Satan failed because he could not corrupt Noah, his wife, and presumably his children and their wives.
- Noah found grace (Gen 6:8) but was also blameless (Gen 6:9)
Application – Satan is Working Against God’s Plan For You
- I believe that God has a plan for your life, church.
- I believe that God has GOOD things in store for you!
- I believe that before the foundation of the earth, God knew you and had a calling for you.
- Now, I am NOT going to quote Jeremiah 29:11, because that verse was for the Nation of Israel while they were in captivity, and they were just told that they would remain slaves for decades longer… BUT that God still had a plan for them…
- As such, it probably does not apply to any of our cushy American lives…
- But I do believe that God has a plan for you…
- Here is His plan for you:
God’s Plan for Your Life
- You are to be Saved, born again… If you haven’t already, today is the day, give your life to Jesus.
- You are to be discipled, growing daily to look more and more like Jesus.
- You are to be filled with power by the Holy Spirit, in order to do great things for Jesus.
- You are to minister and be used by God as God sees fit and as He calls you.
- You are to be content, joyful even, in all situations, weather rich or poor, slave or free because of Christ Jesus in you.
- You are to resist the devil and he will flee from you.
- You are to die or be called home in the rapture
- You are to live in paradise forever… a paradise that has no pain, sorrow, grief, sickness, regret, or any other negative emotion.
- You are to be with your God always.
- It’s a pretty good plan if you ask me, Amen?
- Y’all like that plan? It’s a pretty good plan, some might call it a PERFECT plan.
- And the details will be different for everyone, how this all plays out, but this is God’s plan for our lives… and I LOVE this plan.
- I am smack dab in the middle of this plan.
- I intend on seeing this plan through until the end, Amen?!
- And Just like in the days of Noah, Satan is trying to use sin to corrupt the plan that God has for you.
- Remember what God told Cain before Cain murdered his brother?
Genesis 4:7 ESV If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”
- I read it from the ESV because I like the way it says “It’s desire is contrary to you”.
- Sin desires to destroy you, fight against you, to stop God’s plan of eternal good from taking root in your life.
- Sin ruled over Cain… and it eventually ruled over the whole world… except for one guy.
- On guy, his wife, his kids, and their wives… who did not give into sin… who did not go around sleeping with demons… who were not violent and murderous, one family.
- And it started with grace.
Genesis 6:8 NKJV But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
- So there is all this evil going around… demon spawn nephium giants… violence… sin abounding…
- But Noah found grace.
- He found favor in the eyes of God.
- Grace means “unmerited favor”… that God likes you because He choses to like you, not based on your own works, or deeds, or merits, but because God in says “even though you don’t deserve it, I love you, you have my favor”.
- Now I don’t know how Noah found grace in the eyes of God, but I know how we find grace in the eyes of God.
- We find grace at the cross, Ephesians 2 calls grace a free gift, we simply need to receive it.
- Hebrews 4:16 tells us that grace is available, but we must come bodly before the throne to receive it… in otherwords, draw near to God, seek Him, find Him, and God will draw near to you and give you grace.
- John 3:16 teaches us that God’s favor will bring salvation to anyone who believes in Him and that such a person would not perish.
- I think it is possible that Adam and his family were the only people left who truly believed in God… and that through that God saw them and gave them favor… not because they deserved it, but because God has chosen to give grace to those who believe in Him and seek Him.
- And here is what is interesting… it doesn’t stop there… the grace of God lead to Noah being called perfect.
Genesis 6:8-9 NKJV But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (9) This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.
- So it started with God’s grace, and it lead to Noah being called perfect.
- Hebrews 12 calls Jesus the perfected of our faith.
- 1 John 4 shows us that through our Salvation love is perfected within us.
- Philippians 1:6 says that work started in you through salvation will be complete in the day of Christ… the word for complete there also means “Perfected”
Matthew 5:48 NKJV Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
- How are we to be perfect? Well, we know that we sin… but we also know that Christ’s blood covers our sin, if we confess and repent, and that all of our unrighteousness will be cleansed from us… 1 John 1:9!
- But Noah was not just called “perfect in his generations” or “blameless in his generations”… no it ended with “Noah walked with God”
- It starts with grace, moves to the perfecting work of God, then ends with our continual obedience to Christ.
Genesis 6:8-9 NKJV But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (9) This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.
- This means he continued to live a life of obedience.
- And I love that “He was perfect” and he “walked with God” comes after “Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD”.
- Because Noah did not find grace because he was perfect, he was perfect because he found grace… COME ON THAT WILL PREACH.
- And Noah did not find grace because he walked with the Lord… he walked with the Lord because He found grace… COME ON NOW, I AM PREACHIN’ TO SOMEBODY…
- But Saints… Most of you are born again… most of you have found Grace in God’s eyes… DON’T STOP THERE!
- Live your life being perfected, changing from glory to glory.
- Live your life walking with God…
- WHY?
- God’s laws for your life, they are not there because He hates you, they are there because He loves you.
- The Law is not burdensome, it is a wonderful warning… because God want’s to show us His favor, His grace, His salvation… God want’s us on His Ark… But God is not going to take any demon spawn on his boat.
- So remember that the next time sin is knocking at your door, remember that it is there to derail God’s plan for your life.
- You feel tempted to steal something from the store, or to download something illegally?
- No, this is here to derail God’s plan for my life.
- You feel tempted to gossip about the person in church who just rubs you the wrong way?
- No, that sin is just trying to derail God’s plan for my life.
- You hear that bottle of alcohol calling you to get drunk?
- NO! I got a boat to get on, I can’t be catching a DUI on the way there…
- You see that link online with the pretty lady…
- DON’T CLICK IT… Sin is crouching behind that link.
- You want to sleep with that man who is not your Godly wed husband?
- NO! You want Giant demon babies? Because that is how you get giant demon babies!
- Whatever sin calls out to you… remember, that sin is there to derail God’s plan from your life.
- And Satan is not going to tell you what his plan is, NO, he keeps that hidden.
- It’s not like Satan sent these angels down and was like “Hey I would like you to damn yourself and your whole species by having sex with me!”
- No, Satan is a trickster… he is a sneaky little snake… his angels are attractive, they are kind, they speak soft words, their lies sound so good.
- “Hey beautiful… no no no, nothing like that… let’s get married… if we are married it will be ok baby… come on, we can get that priest of Baal down the road to marry us… let’s start a family”.
- So it is with sin… “It’s not stealing if it is not hurting anybody, treat yourself.
- It’s not gossip if it is true… you are just sharing a prayer request.
- I mean, alcohol is the only thing that makes me relax, so what if I get drunk every once in a while, that’s not why I am drinking.
- Who does porn really hurt, at least I am not cheating on my wife.
- Yeah I am cheating on my wife… but that is because THIS woman really gets me.
- Yeah I had a demon spawn kid but at least he can play in the NBA and make me loads of money…
- Ok, not that last one, this doesn’t happen anymore because the angels who engaged in sexual sin are all locked up… but you get my point.
- God has a plan, Satan wants to destoy that plan. DON’T LET SATAN WIN.
- God has a plan for you… lets conclude with that… God has a plan for you.
- God has a plan for you, a wonderful plan.
- Satan want’s to destroy that plan, and the way he will do it is through sin.
Satan’s Plan Vs God’s Plan for Your Life
- God has plans for us to use us, and prosper us
- Satan wants to destroy and corrupt those plans with sin.
- Like Noah, our perfection starts with grace
- In grace we are called to remain upright and to reject sin, even if it is in the form of a beautiful angel.
- If we, with the help of Christ, walk with God and resist temptation we too can overcome the plans of the enemy.
- God’s plan will be completed in us and we live with God in eternity.
Genesis 6:8 NKJV But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.