Genesis 3:6 NKJV So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.

- That’s the title of today’s sermon…
- What are you looking at?!
- Because Eve sinned after looking longingly at her temptation.
- What are you looking at?!
- No one forced Eve to sin.
- Satan did not pluck the fruit and put it in her mouth.
- Eve did not fall over and accidently take a bite of the forbidden fruit.
- No, Eve walked over to the tree… plucked the fruit… and she ate of it.
- And she gave it to her husband, and he ate of it.
- And through that, all of mankind was cursed… because our first ancestors, the place where all of our family trees converge… they were cursed, and thus they passed that curse down through the father of ever generation, of every family… because they ate of the forbidden fruit.
- Because God said “don’t do it” and the did it.
- And through that, all of mankind was cursed… because our first ancestors, the place where all of our family trees converge… they were cursed, and thus they passed that curse down through the father of ever generation, of every family… because they ate of the forbidden fruit.
- And she gave it to her husband, and he ate of it.
- That’s the title of today’s sermon…
- So what would cause the downfall of all mankind?
- The same thing that causes the downfall of so many political leaders.
- The same thing that causes the downfall of so many pastors.
- The same thing that causes the downfall of so many marriages.
- The same thing that causes the downfall of so many young people who are now locked up in prison.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 NKJV That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.
- The way that Adam and Eve fell is the way that we still fall today.
- Satan comes in with his lies, questioning God’s Word (Did God really say), calling God a liar (That’s not what will happen), and suggesting God is withholding good things (God doesn’t want you to be happy, just do what makes you happy).
- Adam and Eve feel after Eve was tempted by these lies, these lies we talked about last week.But the Serpent did not force Eve to eat the forbidden fruit… no, she made that decision on her own…And she made that decision after looking longingly at her temptation…After staring in delight at her sin… finally she feel, and all of mankind with her.
- Eve was looking at the forbidden fruit. We know how that turned out.
- What are you looking at?
- For this first point I have a proposition for you… I propose that what you look at can change your desires…
Point One – What You Look At Can Change Your Desires
Genesis 3:6 NKJV So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
- Satan is done with his tempting.
- He has said all that he needs to say.
- And now the ball is in Eve’s court.
- How does Eve handle this situation.
- This serpent has straight up called God a liar.
- But he seems to have made some good points too…
- What does eve do with this information.
- This serpent has straight up called God a liar.
- Well, Eve takes some time to think… she takes some time to look.
- He has said all that he needs to say.
Genesis 3:6 NKJV So when the woman saw…
- What is there to look at, Eve… what exactly are you setting your eyes on?
- Why are you looking?
- What is there to look at, Eve… what exactly are you setting your eyes on?
- So when the woman saw…
- Saw what? That the fruit was forbidden?
- That the fruit would cause her to die?
- That the fruit would cause her to bring sin and death and shame into the world.
- Saw what? That the fruit was forbidden?
- So when the woman saw…
- That the Serpent was a liar?
- That her husband was being passive?
- That her God was not present but that if she would call He would come running?
- So when the woman saw…
- Oh, I know what you didn’t see sin… you didn’t see death… you didn’t see lies and deceit… you didn’t see that for some reason God wasn’t in this conversation…
- Because that is not what you were looking at, was it Eve… That’s not what you were beholding…
- So when the woman saw… *Change of tone, tone it down*
- Saw what… that the tree was Good for food… And oh, I bet Eve was feeling hungry in that moment.
- So when the woman saw…
- Saw what, Eve?… that it was pleasant for the eyes… She delighted in looking at it… it was so nice to look at… so nice to think about…
- So when the woman saw…
- That the tree was desirable to make one wise.
- What the woman saw put a DESIRE in her heart…
- That the tree was desirable to make one wise.
- The first point this morning is that what you look at can change what you desire. It can change what you delight in…
- Because before this moment, Eve delighted in her husband and desired to be with him.
- Eve delighted in the creation of God and desired to take care of it as God had commanded.
- Eve delighted in the fellowship she had with her Creator and desired to make Him happy.
- Eve delighted in and desired all the good things of God…
- But then Eve changed what she was looking at…
- And when the woman saw, well it changed what she desired…
- Because before this moment, Eve delighted in her husband and desired to be with him.
- What are you looking at church? What do you delight in? Because you shouldn’t be surprised when you get exactly what you are looking at.
- Are you looking at other women with lust? Well guess what, you are going to start desiring other woman?
Job 31:1 NKJV “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?
Matthew 5:28 NKJV But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
- Are you watching TV shows that glorify crime?
Psalms 11:5 NKJV The LORD tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
- Are you spending time with people you call friends who hate God and hate the church?
James 4:4 NKJV Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
- Do you love drama and say things to stir up drama?
Proverbs 26:20-21 NIV Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. (21) As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife.
- Because these are the things you delight in… and you should not be surprised when you walk over and get the thing you delight in.
- That is exactly what happened to Eve… she changed what she looked at… that changed what she delighted in… and it ended in sin and death.
- What you are looking at becomes what you delight in… And not just your eyes… but your mind… when you begin to meditate on sin… to fantasize about sin… don’t be surprised when what you get is sin and all that comes with it…
- Destroyed relationships, enmity between you and God, drama, destruction, divorce… death… these are the things that come with sin… and sin comes when we focus our eyes… focus our minds… when we fantasize about sin… we often find ourselves going out to get sin.
- So be VERY careful about what you look at, what you allow your kids to look at.
- It’s not harmless… it literally lead to the death of every human who has ever died… because when Eve saw she changed her delights from holiness to sinfulness… before that sin there was no death… but now there is death and sin abounding…
- Destroyed relationships, enmity between you and God, drama, destruction, divorce… death… these are the things that come with sin… and sin comes when we focus our eyes… focus our minds… when we fantasize about sin… we often find ourselves going out to get sin.
Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. (23) But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
- That brings us to point two this morning… please understand that sin is different.
- Because when you start to look at sin, the thought that comes into your head is “Well is it really that different than anything else?”
- YES IT IS. Sin is different.
- Because when you start to look at sin, the thought that comes into your head is “Well is it really that different than anything else?”
Point Two – Sin is DIFFERENT
Genesis 3:6a NKJV So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes…
- Sin is different…
- Here is a tidbit that I never noticed until I studied this verse for this sermon…
- Eve, after being tempted and lied to by the devil, looks at the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and looks at the fruit she is forbidden by God from eating…
- And she perceives that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes.
- What is interesting though, is that in creation the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil is SPECIFICALLY called out as different from the trees that are good for food and pleasant to look at…
- And she perceives that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes.
Genesis 2:9 NKJV And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
- EVERY TREE, God says, was pleasant in the sigh and good for food… Except for two, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
- Those too were “Also” in the midst, but they are not called pleasant to the sign and good for food.
Genesis 3:6a NKJV So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes…
- There are many other trees in the Garden, they are all called pleasant to the sight and good for food.
- There are many other trees in the Garden, they are all called pleasant to the sight and good for food.
- I can just hear the conversation that Eve is having with herself… because she has convinced herself that this tree is the same as all the others.
- “What’s the big deal? We have all these other trees with all this other fruit… this one is not any different… I have eaten all the other fruit and I never died… why would this one be any different. It is pleasant to look at and good for food just like all the other trees.
- Sin is different y’all.
- And if you ever hear yourself thinking “What’s the big deal, is this really any different from anything else?” If you start having that logic, then RUN! Take that thought captive! Tear it down! It is a lofty argument that DESERVES TO BE DESTROYED.
- Sin is different y’all.
- “What’s the big deal? We have all these other trees with all this other fruit… this one is not any different… I have eaten all the other fruit and I never died… why would this one be any different. It is pleasant to look at and good for food just like all the other trees.
2 Corinthians 10:4-6 NKJV For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, (5) casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, (6) and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
- How many alcoholics have thought to themselves “Well one drink is not a sin… right? I mean other people have drinks with friends all the time… how is this in different?”
- IT IS NOT THE SAME, FRIEND! That is a lofty opinion, that is an argument from the devil, that is a deceptive thought!
- Take it captive, cast it down, destroy it, punish it. DO NOT ALLOW THAT THOUGHT TO TAKE ROOT!
- Because your friend is not addicted to alcohol, they don’t get behind the wheel and drive drunk, they don’t drink till they pass out, they are not destroying their marriage by drinking… So a drink for them IS NOT THE SAME as a drink for you!
- Take it captive, cast it down, destroy it, punish it. DO NOT ALLOW THAT THOUGHT TO TAKE ROOT!
- I have heard this one many times before “Well pastor, you don’t get it, your married so you can have sex anytime you want! Is it really any different for me?”
- FIRST OF ALL “Anytime you want may be a bit of an exaggeration…”
- But it is not the same… The result of me connecting with my wife is that I bond together with the person I have been made one flesh with… we get closer together and enjoy each other more and the Lord blesses that.
- The result of you sleeping with someone before your married is that you get closer together with someone who is NOT your wife… and may never be. You dishonor her and you dishonor yourself. And God does not bless that but rebukes it.
- I have counseled far too many young people where previous sexual partners have become a huge issue in their marriage.
- Sin is different. “But pastor everyone does it… everyone illegally streams TV shows, movies and football games… everyone looks at filth on the internet… everyone gossips around the water cooler… everyone fibs a little on their taxes”.
- IT IS NOT THE SAME, FRIEND! That is a lofty opinion, that is an argument from the devil, that is a deceptive thought!
1 Peter 2:9 ESV But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
- You have been called out of the darkness into the marvelous light… stop acting like you are the same as the darkness…
- So church, when those thoughts enter your head… “How is this any different than…”
- You, as a royal priest, you have the ability, the power, the authority, the charge to take that thought captive, to cast it down, to destroy it.
- So church, when those thoughts enter your head… “How is this any different than…”
- How different this story would have turned out if Eve looked at the fruit and thought “Yeah that tree does look good for food… WAIT, NO! That is not good for food, that will KILL ME!”.
- But that is not what happened… she may have been in too deep at that point… which brings me to my final point this morning… point three, cut it off before it becomes sin.
Point Three – Cut It Off Before It Becomes Sin
Genesis 3:6 ESV So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.
- I like the way ol’ King Jimmy’s version puts it…
Genesis 3:6 KJV And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
- “And she did eat”… “And he did eat”.
- She DID eat… like up unto this point it is uncertain as to what is gonna happen.
- She hasn’t eaten the fruit yet.
- She hasn’t fallen into sin yet…
- She talked to the serpent… but hasn’t eaten.
- She listened to and considered his lies… but hasn’t eaten.
- She looked at the tree longingly… but hasn’t eaten.
- She walked over to the tree… but hasn’t eaten.
- She plucked a fruit and held it in her hands… but hasn’t eaten.
- But then… oh but then… in case you might have thought things would turn out differently… OH, SHE DID EAT. AND HE DID EAT.
- It happened… of course it happened! What else would have happened?
- SHE DID EAT AND HE DID EAT. Oh yes they did… and in so doing cursed all of humanity.
- She DID eat… like up unto this point it is uncertain as to what is gonna happen.
- And should we be surprised that she did eat?
- No of course not… everything was pointing that direction… she did not do anything to slow herself down from what eventually became the inevitable… she did eat.
- And I don’t know exactly what was going through Eve’s head… but maybe it was something like this…
- “Maybe I will just look at it…”
- But she DID eat.
- “Maybe I will just touch it…”
- But she DID eat.
- “Maybe I will just smell it…”
- I’m not going to get drunk, I am just going to have one drink.
- I’m not going to cheat on my wife, I am just going to dinner with a friend.
- I’m not going look at pornography, I am just going to look at girls in bikinis.
- I’m not going stealing this money, I am going to pay it back.
- I’m not going to get high, I am just going to hang out with my drug dealing friends.
- I’m not going to gossip, I am just going to share some prayer request.
- I don’t know if she intended to eat… but SHE DID EAT.
- “Maybe I will just look at it…”
- And far to many times, church, do I see Christians trying to find the line…
- Like what is the line with sin… what can I get away with before it counts as sin…
- How close can we get to sin before it counts of sin… like… if this is the line… far to many Christians are smooshing their face up against the line acting like they are just fine.
- *Smoosh face against hand, moching bird voice* “I haven’t sinned yet guys… it’s not sin… I haven’t… crossed… yet *Put tounge over line* STILL NOT SIN… JUST TRYING TO GET A LITTLE TASTE… *Strain against invisible line… then fall over*
- “WHAT? How did I get here… what how did I find myself away from God? Why do I feel cursed and not blessed?!”
- And don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong… there is forgiveness, there is beautiful wonderful forgiveness… THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE CROSS.
- But listen to me Saints, my brothers and sisters who are born again… it is far better to live in the blessings of God, walking with Him and talking with Him and seeking His glory on this side of the line…
- Then it is to CONSTANTLY be on this side of the line, walking apart from God… having to constantly seek His forgiveness.
- He will give it, yes of course, thank you Jesus… and that is amazing in so many wonderful ways…
- But what if you just lived your life on this side… the blessing side… the glory side… the side where the consequences of your life decisions are blessings and joy and an abundance of life…
- So church, why chose a life of temptation, and falling, and sin, and division, and yes forgiveness…
- When you can have a life of blessing, and joy, and peace, and closeness with God… forgiveness is there when you need it, but you don’t presume on it.
- You have been forgiven, walk in that forgiveness and walk in that forgiveness FAR away from the line.
- Then it is to CONSTANTLY be on this side of the line, walking apart from God… having to constantly seek His forgiveness.
- But listen to me Saints, my brothers and sisters who are born again… it is far better to live in the blessings of God, walking with Him and talking with Him and seeking His glory on this side of the line…
- “But pastor, how close can I get to the line?”
- You are asking the wrong question… instead ask “How far away can I get” RUN FROM THE LINE.
- I have heard it said like this, church “You can’t fall into the Grand Canyon if you are standing in Texas”
- You are asking the wrong question… instead ask “How far away can I get” RUN FROM THE LINE.
- So cut the sin off before it becomes sin…
- When the devil tempts you, don’t look at the tree… don’t consider the tree… don’t approach the tree.
- Or better yet, resist the devil and HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU.
- And the only time I don’t give that advice, to resist the Devil… is when it comes to sexual temptation. Don’t resist sexual temptation… RUN FROM SEXUAL temptation.
- Or better yet, resist the devil and HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU.
1 Corinthians 6:18a NKJV Flee sexual immorality…
.Conclusion – You can live free from sin, it starts with what you are looking at.
- Now I want to conclude with a verse that I almost started with.
- I considered naming the first point this morning “You become what you behold”…
- Because Eve beheld sin, and she became a sinner.
- Eve beheld sin, and she did sin.
- But there is a better way church… you become what you behold, and that is exactly what 2 Corinthians 3:18 teaches us.
2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
- What does this verse say? Behold Jesus and become like Jesus.
- This whole sermon is “What are you looking at?” let what you are looking at be Christ.
- His character, His goodness, His mercy, His Justice, His Promises… behold Christ and become like Christ!
- I realize that we spend a lot of time talking about what NOT to do in this church, but leave today not thinking just about what you should not be looking at, but thinking about what you should be looking at.
- There is a God who is good and beautiful and loving and glorious…
- Behold Him.
- Read His word in awe and wonder.
- Treasure it in your heart…
- Meditate on all who God is… become what you behold.
- His character, His goodness, His mercy, His Justice, His Promises… behold Christ and become like Christ!
- This whole sermon is “What are you looking at?” let what you are looking at be Christ.
Philippians 4:8 NKJV Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
- Just imagine for a moment a life, not one full of chaos and drama… not one where you are swimming the consequences of your own sin…
- But a life full of blessings, and love, and joy, and contentment.
- A life that no matter the challenge, Christ is there with you to bear your burden, to lead the charge, to strengthen and encourage you.
- If you are a Christian you can have this life… but you need to make the conscience decision to stop looking at sin, stop fantasizing about sin.
- To walk away from the drama and the gossip. To stop watching filthy TV shows and movies and shorts and podcasts.
- To stop fantasizing about wicked things.
- And instead to turn your eyes to Jesus… to meditate on things that are noble and true and just and pure and lovely and praise worthy.
- Keep your mind on Christ and watch as you naturally drift away from the line and closer to Christ.
- And if you are not a Christian, man I have good news for you, you can become a Christian this morning by giving your life to Christ.